Media & Telecommunications

Navigating rapidly changing markets to promote innovation, capture new opportunities, and create value

Allied Consortium Center for Advanced Connectivity

The world’s digital connections are about to become broader and faster, creating a platform for every industry to innovate and boost productivity. While 5G networks promise ultra-high speeds, low latency, and greater reliability, the 5G revolution is only one part of the story. There’s also an evolution in existing technologies, with new generations of fiber, cable, Wi-Fi, and short-range technologies.

We help technology, media, and telecommunications leaders create Change that Matters in this rapidly developing market—to build internal capabilities, integrate digital and analytics tools into their organizations, and transform the ways in which they work to improve their business in substantial, sustainable ways.

Our Expertise in Media & Telecommunications Industry

Consumer Technology & Media

Creators have never been closer to consumers. As the boundaries come down between technology, marketing, media, internet, and commerce, disrupters and incumbents alike are competing for the same consumer attention that is critical for generating revenue from consumer fees, advertising, and commerce spend.

Telecommunications Operators

Telecommunications operators play a pivotal role in helping people, companies, and cities realize their digital ambitions and meet ever-growing demands for data and connectivity. Yet many face capex scarcity and are under significant pressure to develop or improve 5G, fixed wireless access (FWA), and fiber networks, and to diversify their offerings to maximize customer lifetime value, return on investment, and shareholder value.

Start-ups & Venture Capital

Start-ups have led many of the technology, health, and sustainability innovations central to our everyday lives. We help founders and their investors accelerate growth with data-driven consulting, capability building, and connections. Our market-leading benchmarking tool helps companies see where they stand against their peers on key financial and operational metrics.

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